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Global concurrency limits and rate limits

Global concurrency limits allow you to manage task execution efficiently, controlling how many tasks can run simultaneously. They are ideal when optimizing resource usage, preventing bottlenecks, and customizing task execution are priorities.

Rate Limits ensure system stability by governing the frequency of requests or operations. They are suitable for preventing overuse, ensuring fairness, and handling errors gracefully.

When selecting between Concurrency and Rate Limits, consider your primary goal. Choose Concurrency Limits for resource optimization and task management. Choose Rate Limits to maintain system stability and fair access to services.

Managing Global concurrency limits and rate limits

You can create, read, edit and delete concurrency limits via the Prefect UI.

When creating a concurrency limit, you can specify the following parameters:

  • Name: The name of the concurrency limit. This name is also how you'll reference the concurrency limit in your code. Special characters, such as /, %, &, >, <, are not allowed.
  • Concurrency Limit: The maximum number of slots that can be occupied on this concurrency limit.
  • Slot Decay Per Second: Controls the rate at which slots are released when the concurrency limit is used as a rate limit. This value must be configured when using the rate_limit function.
  • Active: Whether or not the concurrency limit is in an active state.

Active vs inactive limits

Global concurrency limits can be in either an active or inactive state.

  • Active: In this state, slots can be occupied, and code execution will be blocked when slots are unable to be acquired.
  • Inactive: In this state, slots will not be occupied, and code execution will not be blocked. Concurrency enforcement occurs only when you activate the limit.

Slot decay

Global concurrency limits can be configured with slot decay. This is used when the concurrency limit is used as a rate limit, and it controls the rate at which these slots are released.

The rate of slot decay is determined by the parameter slot decay per second. This parameter defines how quickly slots become available again after being consumed. For example, if you set slot decay per second to 0.5, one slot will become available again every two seconds.

Slot decay provides fine-grained control over the availability of slots, enabling you to optimize the concurrency of your workflow based on your specific requirements.

Using the concurrency context manager

The concurrencycontext manager allows control over the maximum number of concurrent operations. You can select either the synchronous (sync) or asynchronous (async) version, depending on your use case. Here's how to use it:

Concurrency limits are implicitly created

When using the concurrency context manager, the concurrency limit you use will be created, in an inactive state, if it does not already exist.


from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.concurrency.sync import concurrency

def process_data(x, y):
    with concurrency("database", occupy=1):
        return x + y

def my_flow():
    for x, y in [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]:
        process_data.submit(x, y)

if __name__ == "__main__":


import asyncio
from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.concurrency.asyncio import concurrency

async def process_data(x, y):
    async with concurrency("database", occupy=1):
        return x + y

async def my_flow():
    for x, y in [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]:
        await process_data.submit(x, y)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. The code imports the necessary modules and the concurrency context manager. Use the prefect.concurrency.sync module for sync usage and the prefect.concurrency.asyncio module for async usage.
  2. It defines a process_data task, taking x and y as input arguments. Inside this task, the concurrency context manager controls concurrency, using the database concurrency limit and occupying one slot. If another task attempts to run with the same limit and no slots are available, that task will be blocked until a slot becomes available.
  3. A flow named my_flow is defined. Within this flow, it iterates through a list of tuples, each containing pairs of x and y values. For each pair, the process_data task is submitted with the corresponding x and y values for processing.

Using rate_limit

The Rate Limit feature provides control over the frequency of requests or operations, ensuring responsible usage and system stability. Depending on your requirements, you can utilize rate_limit to govern both synchronous (sync) and asynchronous (async) operations. Here's how to make the most of it:

Slot decay

When using the rate_limit function the concurrency limit you use must have a slot decay configured.


from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.concurrency.sync import rate_limit

def make_http_request():
    print("Making an HTTP request...")

def my_flow():
    for _ in range(10):

if __name__ == "__main__":


import asyncio

from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.concurrency.asyncio import rate_limit

async def make_http_request():
    await rate_limit("rate-limited-api")
    print("Making an HTTP request...")

async def my_flow():
    for _ in range(10):
        await make_http_request.submit()

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. The code imports the necessary modules and the rate_limit function. Use the prefect.concurrency.sync module for sync usage and the prefect.concurrency.asyncio module for async usage.
  2. It defines a make_http_request task. Inside this task, the rate_limit function is used to ensure that the requests are made at a controlled pace.
  3. A flow named my_flow is defined. Within this flow the make_http_request task is submitted 10 times.

Using concurrency and rate_limit outside of a flow

concurreny and rate_limit can be used outside of a flow to control concurrency and rate limits for any operation.

import asyncio

from prefect.concurrency.asyncio import rate_limit

async def main():
    for _ in range(10):
        await rate_limit("rate-limited-api")
        print("Making an HTTP request...")

if __name__ == "__main__":