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Using the Prefect Orchestration Client


In the API reference for the PrefectClient, you can find many useful client methods that make it simpler to do things such as:

The PrefectClient is an async context manager, so you can use it like this:

from prefect import get_client

async with get_client() as client:
    response = await client.hello()
    print(response.json()) # 👋


Rescheduling late flow runs

Sometimes, you may need to bulk reschedule flow runs that are late - for example, if you've accidentally scheduled many flow runs of a deployment to an inactive work pool.

To do this, we can delete late flow runs and create new ones in a Scheduled state with a delay.

This example reschedules the last 3 late flow runs of a deployment named healthcheck-storage-test to run 6 hours later than their original expected start time. It also deletes any remaining late flow runs of that deployment.

import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Optional

from prefect import get_client
from prefect.client.schemas.filters import (
    DeploymentFilter, FlowRunFilter
from prefect.client.schemas.objects import FlowRun
from prefect.client.schemas.sorting import FlowRunSort
from prefect.states import Scheduled

async def reschedule_late_flow_runs(
    deployment_name: str,
    delay: timedelta,
    most_recent_n: int,
    delete_remaining: bool = True,
    states: Optional[list[str]] = None
) -> list[FlowRun]:
    if not states:
        states = ["Late"]

    async with get_client() as client:
        flow_runs = await client.read_flow_runs(
                name={'like_': deployment_name}
            limit=most_recent_n if not delete_remaining else None

        if not flow_runs:
            print(f"No flow runs found in states: {states!r}")
            return []

        rescheduled_flow_runs = []
        for i, run in enumerate(flow_runs):
            await client.delete_flow_run(
            if i < most_recent_n:
                new_run = await client.create_flow_run_from_deployment(
                        scheduled_time=run.expected_start_time + delay

        return rescheduled_flow_runs

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rescheduled_flow_runs =

    print(f"Rescheduled {len(rescheduled_flow_runs)} flow runs")

    assert all(
        run.state.is_scheduled() for run in rescheduled_flow_runs
    assert all(
        run.expected_start_time >
        for run in rescheduled_flow_runs

Get the last N completed flow runs from my workspace

To get the last N completed flow runs from our workspace, we can make use of read_flow_runs and prefect.client.schemas.

This example gets the last three completed flow runs from our workspace:

import asyncio
from typing import Optional

from prefect import get_client
from prefect.client.schemas.filters import FlowRunFilter
from prefect.client.schemas.objects import FlowRun
from prefect.client.schemas.sorting import FlowRunSort

async def get_most_recent_flow_runs(
    n: int = 3,
    states: Optional[list[str]] = None
) -> list[FlowRun]:
    if not states:
        states = ["COMPLETED"]

    async with get_client() as client:
        return await client.read_flow_runs(
                state={'type': {'any_': states}}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    last_3_flow_runs: list[FlowRun] =

    assert all(
        run.state.is_completed() for run in last_3_flow_runs
    assert (
        end_times := [run.end_time for run in last_3_flow_runs]
    ) == sorted(end_times, reverse=True)

Instead of the last three from the whole workspace, you could also use the DeploymentFilter like the previous example to get the last three completed flow runs of a specific deployment.

Transition all running flows to cancelled via the Client

It can be cumbersome to cancel many flow runs through the UI. You can use get_clientto set multiple runs to a Cancelled state. The code below will cancel all flow runs that are in Pending, Running, Scheduled, or Late states when the script is run.

import anyio

from prefect import get_client
from prefect.client.schemas.filters import FlowRunFilter, FlowRunFilterState, FlowRunFilterStateName
from prefect.client.schemas.objects import StateType

async def list_flow_runs_with_states(states: list[str]):
    async with get_client() as client:
        flow_runs = await client.read_flow_runs(
    return flow_runs

async def cancel_flow_runs(flow_runs):
    async with get_client() as client:
        for idx, flow_run in enumerate(flow_runs):
            print(f"[{idx + 1}] Cancelling flow run '{}' with ID '{}'")
            state_updates = {}
            state_updates.setdefault("name", "Cancelled")
            state_updates.setdefault("type", StateType.CANCELLED)
            state = flow_run.state.copy(update=state_updates)
            await client.set_flow_run_state(, state, force=True)

async def bulk_cancel_flow_runs():
    states = ["Pending", "Running", "Scheduled", "Late"]
    flow_runs = await list_flow_runs_with_states(states)

    while len(flow_runs) > 0:
        print(f"Cancelling {len(flow_runs)} flow runs\n")
        await cancel_flow_runs(flow_runs)
        flow_runs = await list_flow_runs_with_states(states)

if __name__ == "__main__":

There are other ways to filter objects like flow runs

See the filters API reference for more ways to filter flow runs and other objects in your Prefect ecosystem.